
这项研究是基于一份两页纸的调查工具,该调查工具发给了美国各地的高中生. Commercial lists of high school students nationally were identified. 研究人员从全国约1500万名高中生中抽取了800多万名学生的姓名和家庭住址,从中随机抽取了20名全国样本,000, stratified by juniors and seniors. In April 2000, surveys were mailed to 20,000 students at their home addresses. 后续, first-class postcard to 5,在问卷调查鼓励学生回复一周后,我们邮寄了000名学生,他们的名字仍然可以访问. 邮件列表在一次性使用后被销毁,仅用于研究目的. The post office returned as undeliverable 5.46 percent of the original surveys. We therefore assumed that at most 18,600 arrived at their destination. We received in the mail 1,541 completed, useable surveys. The sample, therefore, reflects an 8.回复率28%.


One survey instrument was developed for high school students. A cover letter announced the survey, provided enough information about the survey to constitute informed consent, and stated the due date for the survey's return. A postage-paid return envelope was enclosed. The instrument covered the following areas:

背景: 性, 比赛, 居住国家, 位置(城市, 郊区, 农村), 在校年级, 学校类型(公立), 私人, 回家), and membership in any type of group.

Definition and Experience with 被欺侮: 学生们被问到, 对于每种类型的组, if they: were hazed to join, didn't join because they were afraid of hazing, or left the group because of it. 学生们被问到 at what age they were first hazed, if ever; if they would report hazing; and what they thought were the most effective strategies for preventing hazing.

开始活动: 最后,调查询问了他们参加高中小组或团队的期望活动. 去年对NCAA运动员的研究中使用了四类入会行为:社区建设, 羞辱性的, 药物滥用, 和危害. 第一组行为变化最大,因为我们从去年的调查中了解到的最多. 最后一组行为保持相当稳定,编辑了一些项目,添加了一些项目. 最终的行为清单上有36种行为,而1999年的调查表格上有27种行为.

开放式问题: 学生们一直被要求就以下项目提供意见:其他预防策略, reasons for participation, experiences as a consequence, 感情之后, and activities expected of them.

New Items developed for this survey were categories of high school groups, 激励因素, 欺侮的后果.


Most of the students who responded attended public school (90%), whereas five percent attended church schools, five percent attended other 私人 schools, and one percent was home schooled. All geographic types were represented: 46 percent 郊区, 30 percent rural and 25 percent urban, as measured on a self-perception scale. 样本中成功学生的比例不成比例:84%的学生报告的平均成绩为A或B, 选C。, 百分之一的D或F.

Synthetic Estimation of the Population

调查对象的样本与1999年9月美国16岁和17岁的联邦当前人口调查数据成地区比例. The response from mid-western students was slightly higher than to be expected. The other regions are in proportion when the mid-west is discounted.


性别 样本% n 国家%
68.4 1054 48.7
男性 31.6 487 51.3

八十(80.1) percent of the sample was white compared to the national estimate of 78.3%. Since the Current Population Survey does not record 拉美裔, 我们无法直接比较所有的种族起源反应与当前的国家统计数据. Our sample roughly approximates the national distribution as seen below.

民族起源 样本% n 国家%
白色 80.1 1144 78.3
拉美裔 7.0 100  
黑色的 6.9 99 16.1
亚洲 3.0 43 4.4
印第安人 .6 8 1.2
其他 2.4 34  

因此,调查结果是根据按性别和区域加权的样本报告的,以便在这些数据的情况下尽可能接近预期的全国百分比. 为权重, 高中学生人数是根据1999年9月联邦现行人口调查的16岁和17岁的数据乘以71%估计出来的, the federal estimate of school participation. To estimate the entire high school-aged population, the entire number of fourteen and fifteen year-olds was added to that amount. The entire high school-aged population was therefore estimated at 13,628,460.

根据调查,91%的学生加入了高中社团,而这48人中.4 percent were subjected to some form of hazing. 基于这个发现, 据估计,在过去的四年里,美国有600万高中生遭受欺凌, or more than one and a half million students per year. 鉴于本研究的局限性,需要更多的研究来验证和完善这一估计.

1999年9月,美国16至17岁的青少年人数约为809667人. 美国.S. 教育部估计,71%的17岁青少年进入了高中. 我们估计,全国有5748847名初中生和高年级学生,折扣幅度为71%.

Estimated Distribution of Juniors and Seniors in High School in the U.S.
东北 中西部 西 总%
男性 556832 701130 1007727 687851 51.33
527976 664796 955505 652205 48.67
总% 18.87 23.67 34.15 23.31 100
大三学生人数 & Seniors in the Survey Sample
  东北 中西部 西 总%
男性 74 159 149 97 31.6
175 315 353 176 68.4
总% 16.5 31 32.5 17.9 100

Stratifying the sample by gender and region, 我们将估计的全国人口除以样本中的受访者人数,以对样本进行加权,以进行全国综合估计. The sample was taken from juniors and seniors in high school. It was thought that given the content of the survey, 最好是针对年龄较大的学生而不是年龄较小的学生,这样他们就可以反思自己的整个高中经历.

Data Collection and Handling

Surveys were mailed directly to students' home addresses. 调查问卷被装在写上地址、贴上邮票的商业回复信封里寄回皇冠体育app. Returns were due postmarked no later than May 15, 2000. One week after the deadline, 5月27日, 2000, all surveys were boxed and mailed to National Computer Systems, Inc (NCS) for optical scanning. To ensure anonymity, no unique identifier was printed on the survey. Qualitative responses were compiled by hand. 包括所有受访者在内的最终数据库被转移到皇冠体育app的一个安全服务器上.


最初, 频率表分析了每一组学生和工作人员的整个群体和每个人口统计变量. A cross-tab of gender and geographic region was used to develop sample weights. 按区域划分的六组男性和女性中的每一组都通过样本频率除以人口进行加权,以产生对患病率的综合估计,并根据目前有限的一套知识产生对人口的预期百分比.

运用因子分析来检验我们的社区建设理论范畴, 羞辱性的, 药物滥用, 危险的入会仪式. These categories were confirmed by the factor analyses. A few behaviors were better understood by these analyses:

  • “纹身、穿孔或剃须”更多的是关于孤立,而不是对自己的伤害.
  • “剥夺自己的食物, 睡眠, or cleanliness" clusters with 药物滥用 behaviors, which are about being hurtful to self rather than about being 羞辱性的, 尽管对于脸效度我们把这个变量留在羞辱性欺侮的类别中.
  • "Drink or exercise until you pass out" clusters with 药物滥用 behaviors, 哪些是关于伤害自我而不是破坏性或破坏性的.

To further investigate significant differences among groups, cross-tabular analyses using chi-square statistics were conducted. 将人口群体与活动进行交叉,以确定危险群体和热点, 而感知到的欺侮变量与变量交叉以验证感知到的与实际的欺侮. 将群体变量与人口统计学变量交叉,以确定群体差异. 性别 was crossed with all variables to identify male and female differences.


Because of the secrecy surrounding hazing activities, we guaranteed complete anonymity by conducting a direct-mail survey. High school students have a consistently low rate of response on mail surveys. The low response rate begs for further studies to confirm or refute, and further refine these findings. The sample size was large enough, 然而, 采用高置信度(95-99%)的推理统计分析.