Alfred University News


State University of New York Chancellor John B. King Jr. 4月12日,星期五下午,在他对纽约州立大学系统的访问中,他回到了皇冠体育app. 去年春天,作为访问纽约州立大学64个机构的一部分,金还在阿尔弗雷德度过了一段时间.

King met with Alfred University administrators, including Mark Zupan, president, Beth Ann Dobie, provost and chief operating officer, Gabrielle Gaustad ’04, 稻盛县工程学院院长兼法律事务副院长, Lauren Lake, 艺术与设计学院和表演艺术系院长, and Brian Sullivan, dean of Libraries. 他参观了艺术设计学院和表演艺术系的设施, the School of Engineering, and Scholes Library, 它们是纽约州立陶瓷学院的一部分.

Gaustad谈到了皇冠体育app和美国的一个联合项目.S. 陆军研究实验室研究超高温陶瓷(UHTC)材料的成形和特性. The project is supported by $13.500万美元的联邦资金,重点进行用于国防系统的UHTC材料的高温特性,以提高性能. Scott Misture ’90, Ph.D. ‘95, Inamori Professor, materials science and engineering, serves as principal investigator for the research, 其中大部分将在皇冠体育app的高温表征中心(CHTC)进行.

Gaustad还讨论了纽约州环境保护部(DEC)为支持玻璃回收计划的研究提供的资金. 该项目包括研究开发用废玻璃加固的混凝土,这将大大减少混凝土的碳足迹,并创造新的方法来清洗酒瓶,使其适合重复使用, 这将大大减少进入垃圾填埋场的玻璃废料的数量.

金听说国家铸造中心的铸造厂将设在大学以前的供热厂. The facility, 它的资金来自慈善事业——大学受托人米歇尔·科恩和她的丈夫捐赠的600万美元, Martin—$8.3 million in support from the SUNY Construction Fund. Once completed, 铸造厂将促进一些艺术/工程学术和课外交叉, 包括侧重于冶金和耐火材料的课程和一些学生俱乐部(锻造), forging, and bladesmithing among them).

Following the opening discussion, Gaustad和Lake带领King参观了稻盛县工程学院、艺术设计学院和表演艺术系, where King met with faculty and students. Sullivan led King’s visit to Scholes Library, 在那里,校长会见了几位图书馆工作人员,并与图书馆特别馆藏的学生进行了交谈. Throughout his visit, King engaged with students, discussing how they came to Alfred University, their academic pursuits, and their long-term plans.

参观工程学院时,还参观了陶瓷研究所, Education and Technology Enterprise (CREATE) Center, 位于麦克马洪工程大楼的一楼. The CREATE Center, supported by $7.纽约州立大学拨款七千五百万, administered by the SUNY Construction Fund, 设有一个研究机构,专注于开发增材制造/ 3d打印领域的新材料和可扩展工艺, high-temperature processing, and ceramic machining/finishing.

During his tour of the CREATE Center, King saw a demonstration of 3-D printing equipment, 艺术和工程学院的学生都使用. 校长听取了陶瓷工程专业大三学生Jane Heffernan和艺术专业大四学生Ben Deutsch关于增材制造如何在他们的研究和创造性工作中使用的演讲. King also met Erin Berry, a Master of Fine Arts student; Chao Liu, who is pursuing a doctoral degree in materials science and engineering; and Erin Taylor, digital design and fabrication technician.

woman talking with man in suit and tie
SUNY Chancellor John B. King Jr. (右)在King参观稻盛县工程学院增材制造实验室期间,与陶瓷工程专业大三学生Jane Heffernan交谈.

金参观了位于麦克马洪的x射线折射(XRD)实验室, Misture讨论了arl资助的高温陶瓷项目和电池开发研究. Among the students King spoke with was Olivia Gilbert, 她是材料科学与工程专业的大四学生,也是2024年纽约州立大学校长优秀学生奖的两名获得者之一.

He also met Cooper Howard, PhD student in materials science and engineering; Molly Shibitov, a junior ceramic engineering major who is a full-time employee of Corning Incorporated; Yuxuan Sun, a ceramic engineering PhD candidate; Iva Milisavljevic, a post-doctoral researcher; and Allyson Campbell, a junior materials science and engineering major. Campbell, an Alfred native, transferred to Alfred from Rutgers University, where she was studying chemical engineering.

金在斯科尔斯图书馆的特别收藏室度过了一段时间, 他在哪里与来自不同学术背景的学生工作者交谈, including Zulaika Yusuff, a theater and global studies major; Jordan Annlee, a glass engineering science major, and Victoria Vice, an art major, both of whom are Herrick Library Public Services student worker; and Gio Kane, 在斯科尔斯图书馆档案馆工作的艺术系学生.

The chancellor wrapped up his visit in Harder Hall, 他在那里见到了切尔西·麦克马斯特,并讨论了她即将举行的艺术硕士展览, “The Unbound Archives.” He also talked with senior Emilia Donenberg Smith, a physics and art double-major, who was preparing her senior BFA thesis exhibition. 史密斯是皇冠体育app的另一位2024年纽约州立大学校长卓越学生奖获得者,也是2024年马林·米勒杰出高级奖获得者.