

皇冠体育app获得了466美元的奖金,853 grant from the New York State Energy 研究 and Development Authority (NYSERDA) which will support student internships and fund a program that provides short course training for renewable energy engineering students and workers in the electric utilities field. 该大学还收到了GE Vernova公司786美元的捐赠,为支持nyserda资助的项目,在网格规划和操作软件方面投入了3万美元.

大学将为该项目提供117美元,000 of in-kind/cost share funding—will benefit students in the University’s Renewable Energy Engineering and Electric Engineering programs by providing them with access to state-of-the-art equipment and training to prepare them for jobs in the growing renewable energy industry.

大卫·戈特弗里德, deputy director for Alfred University’s Center for Advanced Ceramic Technology (CACT) said a portion of the NYSERDA workforce training grant will be used to purchase two microgrid control systems.

Gottfried说:“一个优势是软件是行业标准. “Teaching our students on these industry-grade software systems will significantly improve the skillsets of students going through the renewable energy engineering program and make them more attractive to potential employers following graduation.”

The microgrid control systems —a microgrid control center and a distributed energy resources command center—will be installed in the McMahon Engineering Building on the Alfred University campus and will be used as a training resource. 随着可再生配电能源的安装和集成的增加, 或单, 电网可能会受到压力,需要更好地控制. 皇冠体育app的学生将学习如何操作微电网控制系统, 它们是用来管理通过电网的电力流动的.

“Our unique Renewable Energy Engineering degree program combined with our newly reinvigorated Electrical Engineering program provide the perfect platform for this NYSERDA funded work,Gabrielle gastad说, 皇冠体育app稻盛工程学院院长. “Both programs will benefit greatly from the increased access to industrially relevant curriculum and internship opportunities in the utilities industry.”

“Alfred’s renewable energy engineering program has taught students the principles behind various renewable energy technologies, 比如如何制造PV(光伏), 或者太阳能板, but now the emphasis we’re seeing driven by the industrial and utilities sectors is teaching students how to better control the grid. 这是下一代的教学和研究.” said John Simmins ’84, PhD ’90, director of the CACT and principal investigator for the project.

“这是实践经验,而不是理论. 学生们将能够进入实验室重新配置微电网. It will make them (students) very valuable” as prospective employees in the electric utilities industry,Simmins补充道.

“NYSERDA is committed to help train the next generation of clean energy workers so that New York can successfully transition to a thriving, 清洁能源经济和实现我们雄心勃勃的气候目标,阿黛勒·费兰蒂说, NYSERDA的劳动力发展和培训主任.“NYSERDA is thrilled to provide this funding which will help Alfred University students get the hands-on training they need to hit the ground running when they enter the green workforce.”

Gottfried说,NYSERDA的拨款将允许该大学与EPRI分包合同, 一个独立的, 非营利性研究和发展组织, to conduct industry-standard training short courses for students – “another resource that our students wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to.”

的课程, 戈特弗里德说, will train students in specific skillsets related to delivering and managing renewable energy resources. 重点是劳动力准备, 这些课程将为学生在可再生能源行业的职业生涯做准备.

室内王, professor of electrical engineering in Alfred University’s Inamori School of Engineering is one of four Inamori faculty serving as researchers on the project; the others are renewable energy engineering faculty Jalal Baghdadchi, 丹路, 詹俊鹏. 王说,EPRI的短期课程也将提供给Avangrid的员工, an energy services and delivery company whose subsidiaries include regional power providers Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E)和纽约州电力天然气公司(NYSEG),以及其他区域性电力公司.

王说,能源公司需要为他们的工人提供“智能电网”培训, 鉴于可再生能源技术的日益普及.

“纽约州正在向电网增加可再生能源,王说, noting that the state’s goal is for renewables to provide 70 percent of the power produced in New York. He said the state’s power grid currently uses outdated technology that will make it difficult to reach those goals. Changing to a “smart grid” system of power delivery — which utilizes computerized communication control systems — will better accommodate increases in renewables.

王解释说,电力供应商将付钱给大学教授员工短期课程, 谁将为微电网培训项目提供长期资金.

Experiential learning opportunities for students will also include a summer internship program in which students at Alfred University work at utilities, 可再生能源公司, 以及其他服务于该行业的公司. The program is funded by the NYSERDA grant monies and private industry and will create 22 internship opportunities over the next three years.

“This will give students valuable experience and prepare them for jobs and will also help us build relationships” with Avangrid and other power companies, 戈特弗里德指出.

“This is the most important project we’ve had since the inception of our renewable energy engineering program,西明斯说. “唯一有类似项目的其他机构是中佛罗里达大学, 全国最大的大学之一.”

“作为一名可持续发展专业人士, this project is especially exciting to me and reflects the strategic vision and commitment of both the School of Engineering and Alfred University to sustainability efforts both within and outside the classroom,戈斯塔德说, 谁的研究集中在可持续性问题上.